RIC Transport Project Funds
RIC Suballocated Transportation Project Funding
The RIC MPO seeks to improve transportation infrastructure throughout the two-county region of Kanawha and Putnam counties through the implementation of projects utilizing MPO-specific federal suballocated funds. The MPO is responsible for allocating federal suballocated funds from the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) and the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) for eligible projects.
The MPO Project Selection Guidelines for Federal Suballocated Funds for the Regional Intergovernmental Council (RIC) serve as a guide for project eligibility and the application process for the purpose of allocating federal suballocated funds for the RIC metropolitan planning area, comprising Kanawha and Putnam counties in West Virginia. These guidelines were adopted by the RIC Policy Board on June 8th, 2023. They are subject to change upon adoption of any changes by the RIC Policy Board.
Access the current MPO Project Selection Guidelines for Federal Suballocated Funds: MPO Suballocated Funding Guidelines
Selected projects must appear in the RIC TIP. The WVDOT had adopted the following Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Operating Procedures: 2023-2028 STIP & TIP Operation Procedures
To submit a request for RIC MPO Project Funding, please follow the application instructions here: Request for RIC MPO Project Funding
The deadline to submit requests for future year transportation project funding is February 16th, 2024, at 12 PM ET.
For pre-application consulting, contact the RIC Transportation Team at (304) 744-4258 or at mail@wvregion3.org.
Hard copies or accessibility accommodations for viewing the guidelines or making a submission can be made upon request.
www.pedbikeimages.org / Dan Burden